Nimue Ravenwolf

Formerly Faylin Lynx


Birthday: January 15th


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Astrological Sign: Capricorn


Pronouns: She/Her/They


Nimue Ravenwolf’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’m a Geek Goddess because I embrace my geek side- I love reading manga, comic books, sci-fi/fantasy novels, watching anime, cosplay, drawing, fencing, archery, listening to music, learning different languages, singing, and writing (both fanfiction and not!). I’m passionate about photography and pursuing my arts.
My nerdy little secrets.
I’m a Elizabethan re-enactor, fully trained in 16th century fencing and archery. I’m also proud to be a Moonie- I can do the opening from Sailor Moon R the Movie by heart.

Convention: Anime Next

Real Geek Girl: Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence

Fictional Geek Girl: Usagi (Sailor Moon), Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon), Molly Carpenter (Dresden Files), Phedre (Kusheline Series), Daenerys (G.oT.), Melisandre (Kusheline Series)

Character to Cosplay: Death

Food: Pasta

Movie: The Crow, The Princess Bride, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Harry Potter (all), Boondock Saints, Chasing Amy, The Lost Boys, Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy Advent Children, Nightmare Before Christmas
TV Show: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Jekyll, Being Human (BBC), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Big Bang Theory, Kitchen Nightmares, Castle
Color: Silver, forest and hunter green, blue, royal purple, blood red, black

Style of Panties: Bikini

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Purchases Sets of Nimue Ravenwolf

Saunter Vaguely Downward

Saunter Vaguely Downward

Broken Memories

Broken Memories

Sacred Jewel

Sacred Jewel

Devil from Paradise

Devil from Paradise

Time of Your Life

Time of Your Life

Eat Me

Eat Me

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush

Going Green

Going Green

Snow Fairy

Snow Fairy

We're All Mad

We're All Mad

Forbidden Foray

Forbidden Foray

Death Dealer

Death Dealer

Wayward Son

Wayward Son

Perfect Prefects

Perfect Prefects



Death of Summer

Death of Summer

Girl Next Door

Girl Next Door



By Your Side

By Your Side