Starring Kassandra Leigh
Photography by Conri
Editing by Kassandra Leigh
Enjoy 3 sample images from the set.
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Photoset of 59 images featuring Kassandra Leigh. Set progresses from fully clothed to fully nude.
15 Responses
I love elven women. Always have. Beauty framed with pointed ears and I am pretty much yours. WOW!
A * W * E * S * O * M * E
WOW! Frist Succubus and now this. Kassandra is really pulling out all the stops.
Too pretty!
My lil glass canon is my
My lil glass canon is my spirit animal haha While iv painted my fair share of dwarves n Britonians my passion lays in the frigid hands of the Dark Elf Sorceress. Im pretty certain my WAR online timecard with her on it is still taped to the wall above my bed. Yeah, ” i roll like that” haha
Yummy, just plain yummy.
Yummy, just plain yummy.
Pride of Naggaroth
By Khaine’s bloody mitt, that’s one hot Druchii.
I wasn’t much of a fan of Warhammer, I had a go with Bretonnians but I always preferred 40k. However I loved playing Age of Reckoning and had a Witch Elf as one of my characters. This just brings back good memories. Kudos, Kassandra
Such an elegant set, 39 is my favorite pic!^^
More please!
Absolutely fantastic!
bear with me
I am not that familiar with this character but I like what you seem to have done with her: water magic? looks like you put a lot of effort and work into this one and it looks beautiful and sexy. I hope to see more of you in the future.
Jaw dropping!
I found you via Facebook and I’m a huge fan.This is such a gorgeous set and makes me glad I joined the sight tonight. Your set was jaw dropping and I love seeing more and more of you. Cant wait to see that next set you were telling me about!
Very cool set. One of my
Very cool set. One of my faves.