Starring Kassandra Leigh and Nana Valtiel
Photography by Conri
Editing by Kassandra Leigh

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Photoset of 85 images featuring Kassandra Leigh and Nana Valtiel.  Set progresses from fully clothed to fully nude.

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Member Comments

17 Responses

  1. AMAZING! I only know Morrigan
    AMAZING! I only know Morrigan from Marvel vs Capcom, but that doesn’t even matter. This set is just super hot. One of my favorites for sure. I love Nana’s red eyes in 32. There are many great shots, including 51, 53, 59, 69, 73, 75, 79 but the best one has to be the last shot.

  2. What a Gorgeous ‘Morrigan’ & ‘Lilith’ duo.
    Awesome work, Kassandra & Nana especially with pic 86. Special thank’s to Conri and Auron. 🙂

    By the way, a question for Kassandra. Is that your cosplay photo on Morrigan’s ‘Wikipedia’ page?

    I love this set! It was awesome sneaking around with you guys, and seeing the final product of the sneaking…AMAZEBALLS! I have always loved both Lilith and Morrigan since I was a wee little girl, and you guys both fit the character so well…Now I must go pick my jaw up from off the floor *dances away*

  4. I know Morrigan and Lilith
    I think you got them both with this set. I only just glanced at it (still recovering from Dragon*Con and lack of sleep) but I liked what. I love the way you connected the two demonesses in a sexy way. Great job.

  5. I…..
    I joined this site from your Facebook page, Kassandra. You are simply the most amazing creature that I have laid my eyes upon. Wow…I am smitten.

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