Starring Brittnie Jade

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Photoset of 60 images featuring Brittnie Jade.  Set progresses from fully clothed to fully nude.

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Member Comments

26 Responses

  1. Hot as always Brittnie.
    Love the set. The costume is great and you really capture the look of Natasha.
    Honestly though, I would have preferred a more interesting location. But other than that, it was great. I love it!

  2. A very lovely if somewhat
    A very lovely if somewhat (too) short set.

    You got the look of Widow done very well. The attitude shows too.

    I was happy that the background got some variation after some pics (as I had feared they would all have been shot before that roller door). Still the background is something that could be improved upon – but knowing the problems you have finding any place to shoot sexy stuff at all where you live I still give you credits for it!

    Some fav pics are: 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 24, 25, 32, 40, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51, 58, 59, 61

    Your best set to date as far as I’m concerned.

  3. Red Room.
    I loved that you did this set during Free Comic Book Day Brittnie. You really nailed the costume perfectly, and the subdued use of dark bakgrounds and reds made the noir setting a welcome tone for the character.

  4. Thank you! However I cannot
    Thank you! However I cannot take credit for the noir style of the set. That was all Oracle’s editing magic. 🙂

  5. Essence of Widow
    A very well done set, even though you say it was editing magic for the noir style. The shadows and lighting helped to accentuate it with whatever editing was done to it. The expressive facial expressions along with the posing, helped to define the character you were portraying. Very well done set Miss Jade, or shall I say Agent Romanoff.

  6. Such great photos. The red
    Such great photos. The red and black went really great together in this shoot, great job all around il definitey check out the other photo sets as well, Great job once again,

  7. This set,
    I like the contrast in attitudes from the silliness of the Deadpool set and the seriousness of this set. Great job with everything you do 🙂

  8. So gorgeous~ PLEASE wear more
    So gorgeous~ PLEASE wear more skintight shiny stuff, please! You’re kinda, like, SUPER MOUTHWATERING IN IT

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