Starring Solara Arai
Photography by Kassandra Leigh

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Photoset of 94 images featuring Jessica Nova.  Set progresses from fully clothed to fully nude.

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Member Comments

23 Responses

  1. Love it!!!!
    Interestingly enough, I was supposed to go to Renaissance Fair this weekend, but there’s an 80% chance of rain. However, since you are much hotter than anyone at the fair, this makes up for it. Definitely one of my favorites.
    I really love the shots were your nipples are just barely visible. It is such a hot tease. My favorite shot is 76.

  2. don’t know what to say
    you do better with oracle as your photographer. I do like the set for the most part. very beautiful and sexy but you look a little tired and not quite all there. almost as if a part of you has left and gone to another location. that might be deliberate, I don’t know but it makes you look distracted. adding a kitty or some special effects might have helped ground you a little (my opinion).
    I do look forward to seeing your future sets for you do good work.

  3. A work of art
    Solara makes me actually believe in love at first site. This set is truly well done and it will cast a spell on anyone that sees it.

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