Fictional Geek Girl: Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Hands down! I wrote a 15 page paper on her in college. She starts out as a computer and book nerd and studies her way into magic. She goes on to become the most powerful witch in the Western Hemisphere, or possibly the world. All the while she was always completely humble and cute and relatable to me.
Character to Cosplay: Leeloo. I first cosplayed the white bandages outfit with duct tape and it has never stopped evolving. I have a Leeloo burlesque act, a latex costume (made by Lydia!), and a Nega Leeloo cosplay. I want to do a Steampunk Leeloo next.
TV Show: Currently: Game of Thrones, Masters of Sex, Walking Dead, OITNB, Orphan Black, Sense8, and House of Cards. I also love Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Parks & Rec, and Battlestar Galactica. I marathon pretty hard.