Silver Kitsune

Birthday: November 4th


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Astrological Sign: Scorpio


Pronouns: They/them


What are your Nerdy Little Secrets?

When I play MTG, I don’t bother to read the cards, I build my decks based on how pretty the art is.
My nerdy little secrets.
Most don’t know this, but I actually didn’t read any comics until I was 18 years old. The first series I read regularly was actually Hellblazer, and collection has grown quite a bit since then.
Fondest Geek Memory
Seeing my name on a world wide asteroid research paper as a member of the observational team.

Convention: Dragoncon

Real Geek: Stephen Hawking

Fictional Geek: Daniel Jackson (SG-1)

Character to Cosplay: Hawkeye (MCU)

Food: Cheese

Movie: Princess Bride
TV Show: Star Trek: TNG & Supernatural

Color: Gray

Style of Panties: low rise bikini cut, black cotton

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