Raia Safyre

Birthday: December 11th


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Astrological Sign: Sagittarius


What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’m a huge lover of all things odd! I’ve been collecting manga since I was 15 and started cosplaying not long after that with my very first cosplay being The Harpy Lady from Yugioh for Halloween. I’m hugely supportive of the arts and work hard to keep a good balance in the world of both dark fun and light fun 😉
My nerdy little secrets.
I could speed read in grade 3 which angered my teachers to no end as I would place a book in front of my text book so that I could still read in class yet look like I was working =^.^=
Convention: Calgary Expo
Real Geek Girl: Kamui Cosplay
Fictional Geek Girl: Captain Kathryn Janeway and Buffy Summers
Character to Cosplay: Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail 😉
Food: Sushi or Chocolate
Movie: The Last Unicorn and the Mists of Avalon.
TV Show: It was the Almighty Johnson’s until it was canceled… Now? Maybe GOT
Color: Blue ^.^

Style of Panties: Boycut

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Purchases Sets of Raia Safyre

Dancing Demon

Dancing Demon

Life Binder

Life Binder

Chi Blast

Chi Blast

Radio Head

Radio Head

