Pigeon Foo

Birthday: September 8th


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Astrological Sign: Year of the Dragon


Pigeon Foo’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’ve overcome my initial insecurities, I’ve grown to not only accept my nerdy ways but to wield that aspect of my life like a fine weapon. I wear my interests as a badge of honor instead of burying them. My modeling career is sexually charged and completely intertwined with the things I love in my life.
My nerdy little secrets.
When I first started to cosplay… I almost never wore a wig, the ones I did were just dreadful and cheap. Oh the shame. The humanity. I’m glad no images survived from that time in my life.
Convention: DragonCon. It’s my Home Away From Home
Real Geek Girl: Amy Poehler
Fictional Geek Girl: Morrigan Aensland and Harley Quinn. I can’t decide.
Character to Cosplay: Lady Medusa Gorgon. I’ve never felt so -right- in a costume.
Food: Sushi, Pho, McDonalds, Soda.
Movie: The Labyrinth.
TV Show: Venture Bros.

Color: Red

Style of Panties: Free ballin’

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Purchases Sets of Pigeon Foo



Fire Priestess

Fire Priestess

Planetary Alignment

Planetary Alignment

Shiny Sky Rat

Shiny Sky Rat

My True Self

My True Self

Worst Birthday

Worst Birthday



Helter Skelter

Helter Skelter