Petite Renard

Birthday: April 28th


Sexual Orientation: Straight


Astrological Sign: Taurus


Petite Renard’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’m a geek goddess because I’ve been a little weirdo sci-fi babe since I was born (how many kids under 18 have seen or heard of Lair of the White Worm?) and when I realized I could combine my love of theater, costumes, and being nude, a future GG was born!
My nerdy little secrets.
When I was a tween, my mom took me to an extremely small but surprisingly good con at my local hotel. The first year I got to meet Virginia Hey of Farscape and she very kindly took photos with me and gave me Zhaan rings! The following year, I got to see Anthony Simcoe, Gigi Edgely, and Lani Tupu do a panel and it was so much fun. I forget about that moment a lot but I’m so grateful my parents encouraged my weirdness instead of making me feel bad.
Convention: NYCC! Can’t beat my hometown!
Fictional Geek Girl: Skye of Lynlora! (Google Darkened Skye and be horrified) Also forever and always Mistress. Arya Stark.
Character to Cosplay: Chiana, because she is such an obscure reference. I got a lot of double takes and people running over to double check they weren’t crazy! And Ma-Sha from Rick & Morty. The headdress is made from doll arms and is just really silly. (Fun fact, Ma-Sha is also voiced by the wonderful Claudia Black of, you guessed it, Farscape!)
Food: Steak, potatoes, bruschetta, cake, ice cream, margaritas.
Movie: Moulin Rouge, Babe, Ratatouille, My Neighbor Totoro
TV Show: Big Mouth, Bojack Horseman, Farscape, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Game of Thrones, High Maintenance
Color: Any color but black.
Style of Panties: I’m a commando queen. Sorry, Mom.

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Purchases Sets of Petite Renard

Saddle Up

Saddle Up

Stuff My Muffin

Stuff My Muffin

Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb