Murderdoll Ivy

Birthday: March 28th


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Astrological Sign: Capricorn


Murderdoll Ivy’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’ve been a geek since I remember. When I like a fandom, I really get very passionate about it and involved with the characters which triggered my love for art and cosplaying. I also believe that we all should explore our beauty and feel comfortable with our body.
My nerdy little secrets.
I have two: I cry every time I watch Star Wars because I get too excited and I always cheer for the bad guys.

Convention: Dragoncon

Real Geek Girl: Carrie Fisher

Fictional Geek Girl: Lana Kane from Archer
Character to Cosplay: Usually the ones that require hours of body paint and preparation, like Pinhead, Kratos, Twi’lek.
Food: Pasta and fried plantains
Movie: Star Wars (Eps 4-7 and Rogue One)
TV Show: Face Off, Doctor Who, Archer, Game of Thrones, Ink Master and lots of anime.

Color: Black

Style of Panties: Boyshorts

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Purchases Sets of Murderdoll Ivy

Sexual Embrace

Sexual Embrace

Southern Belle

Southern Belle