Lily Rose

Birthday: January 5th


Sexual Orientation: Straight, but girls are cute too:)


Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Pronouns: She/Her


Lily Rose’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

Firstly, I would think it’s my love for all things geeky. To be honest, I grew up with action figures…more so than Barbie Dolls. I remember growing up watching Teen Titans, Batman, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and so many more that I could name. I took an interest in cosplay when I was eighteen and from then on when I paired cosplay and the whole nerdy genre together it became a beautiful hobby of mine!
My nerdy little secrets.
I have a thing for Dick Grayson. I find glasses attractive for some reason haha. I spend hours tweaking a character in character customization so that they’re perfect to me. Also, I love elves. Especially wood elves.

Convention: Dragoncon

Real Geek Girl: Gal Gadot. She’s such an inspiring role model for women and her depiction of Wonder Woman is just…wow. -swoons-
Fictional Geek Girl: Hermione hands down! She’s so sassy, loves to read, knows her stuff, and isn’t afraid to put someone in their place if she sees fit!
Character to Cosplay: This is a hard one. I don’t know if I could truly answer that! But I guess it’d have to be a three way tie between Catwoman, Wonder Woman, and Starfire!
Food: anything. I love coffee and French fries. But not the two together.
Movie: probably Edward Scissorhands or The Fifth Element.
TV Show: Supernatural, The Walking Dead, and Outlander. Can’t have just one.

Color: Black 

Style of Panties: Boy Shorts

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Purchases Sets of Lily Rose

Dark Type

Dark Type

Fighting Foodie

Fighting Foodie

The Taste of Danger

The Taste of Danger

My Ninja Way

My Ninja Way

Books and Cleverness

Books and Cleverness

Breath Play

Breath Play



Upside Down

Upside Down

Sign Your Name

Sign Your Name

Bat Trap

Bat Trap

Golden Shrouds

Golden Shrouds

Solar Siren

Solar Siren

A Thousand Generations

A Thousand Generations

Flower Spirits

Flower Spirits

Direct from the Deity

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It’s been a while!

Hey hey! 🙂

I’ve been so busy here lately with life but I wanted to give an update on life. I have a set coming up on Saturday to be released! If you can guess who it it I’ll give you a kiss 😉 nah, you probably wouldn’t want one from a girl who doesn’t speak among other things. There’s your hint! Also, how’s everyone’s Christmas plans going? After Christmas, I plan on spending my New Year’s watching the ball drop in New Orleans! Fun, fun! I just simply wanted to give an update and to say hello to all you lovelies!!