Chaotic Kiryu

Birthday: February 20th


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Astrological Sign: Not here for your witchcraft


Pronouns: They/Them


Chaotic Kiryu’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

Once there was nothing, then there was geekdom and I was created.
Fondest Geek Memory
Pretending I was the White Ranger far past the “imagination age”.

What is your Nerdy Little Secret?

Hedorah is my in my top five Godzilla favorites, give a hoot and don't pollute!

Convention: Dragoncon

Real Geek: Cress Williams

Fictional Geek: Cisco Ramon

Character to Cosplay: Redhood

Food: Pizza, I’m basically a turtle.
Movie: Léon: The Professional
TV Show: Scrubs

Color: Green

Style of Panties: Long legged briefs, the least sexiest second only to the tightey whitey.

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Purchases Sets of Chaotic Kiryu

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

Mad Love

Mad Love

Web Slinger

Web Slinger

Clown Prince of Crime

Clown Prince of Crime