Holy Cherries

Birthday: May 16th


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Astrological Sign: Taurus


Holy Cherries’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

Oh man…I’ve never been afraid to be me. My entire life I’ve been obsessed with something everyone else considered “geeky”. Whether is was racing home after school to watch Sailor Moon, trying to learn Elvish from the back of my LOTR books, designing and making my own costumes for high school plays, reading any chance I got, trying to steal my Dad’s Batman comics, or obsessively trying to buy any female geeky gear I could get my hands on. This is my life.
My nerdy little secrets.
I used to tape my ears like an elve as soon as I got home from school in 7th grade…I also carry a sonic screwdriver around in my purse.
Convention: C2E2 (only one I’ve been to so far)
Real Geek Girl:  Felicia Day or Tina Fey
Fictional Geek Girl: Liz Lemon
Character to Cosplay: That’s a hard one. I love doing Tank Girl but I also love me some Jareth the Goblin King
Food: Sushi or cheesecake
Movie: Anything from Wes Anderson…I seriously love them all
TV Show: GOT, Silicon Valley, Dead Like Me, or Parks and Rec. There’s no way I can choose between them.

Color: Purple

Style of Panties: Prefer commando but I can dig a pair of string bikini panties.

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Purchases Sets of Holy Cherries

Meddling Kid

Meddling Kid

Lock Up Your Sons

Lock Up Your Sons