
Birthday: March 29th


Sexual Orientation: Flirtatious


Astrological Sign: Ain’t no particular sign i’m more compatible with

Pronouns: He/Him


Crichton’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’m bringin’ sexy back. Them other boys don’t know how to act.
My nerdy little secrets.
Reading x-men comics in my bedroom

What is your nerdy little secret?

Humans are SUPERIOR!!!!
Convention: DragonCon

Real Geek: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Fictional Geek: Scott Summers (Cyclops)

Character to Cosplay: Joker

Food: Slurpee

Movie: Ghostbusters
TV Show: Farscape

Color: Purple

Style of Panties: The ones you are taking off

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Purchases Sets of Crichton

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

True Champion

True Champion

Unsolicited Pics

Unsolicited Pics