Bunnii Punk

Birthday: November 3rd

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual


Astrological Sign: Scorpio


Pronouns: They/Them

Bunnii Punk’s Sets

What makes me a Geek Deity?

While I was never someone who really cared about fitting in, but i’ve always been able to find a home in fiction and other worlds. Whether it’s Comic Books, Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Anime, i’ve always been drawn to any and all things geeky. Deep down i’m still that kid who desperately wanted to get to Camp Half-Blood !!
My nerdy little secrets.
I commissioned an artist to make me a maid dress megamind body pillow… and yes it is my most precious possession LOL
Fondest Geek Memory
definitly the first time i ever put on a cosplay (Leo Valdez from PJO) nothing will ever match how formative that was to me!

Dream Cosplay

Calne Ca Hatsune Miku
Convention: Fanime

Real Geek:  Jessica Fong! She’s the current Poison Ivy cover artist and an absolute gem to chat with and so passionate about female and queer representation in comics and the comic industry.

Fictional Geek: Definitely Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Character to Cosplay: Catwoman! I love how powerful but also fun and playful cosplaying her makes me feel
Food: Cheezits
Movie: 2011 masterpiece of an animated film: Megamind
TV Show: Stargate!

Color:  Red

Style of Panties: You might just have to see for yourself 😉 (but probably boyshorts)

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