Jazs Lavonne

Birthday: September 1st


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Astrological Sign: Virgo


Jazs Lavonne’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I believe that a geek goddess is woman who is confident in who she is and does not apologize for it. I have always been considered a “geek” amongst my peers for being book smart, playing video games and drawing/watching anime. I do not think this is a bad thing at all I thoroughly embrace it!

My nerdy little secrets.
I make comic strips that feature my friends and family and our everyday shenanigans. I’ve also created a card game within one of my comics that I am still working out all of the kinks for.
Convention: Anime Festival Orlando, it was my first one and I met a lot of fantastic people there!
Real Geek Girl: I actually don’t have a favorite real life geek anything. I like anyone who embraces their quirks and geeky habits!
Fictional Geek Girl: Jess (Zoey Deschanel) from New Girl, Charlie (Felicia Day) from Supernatural
Character to Cosplay: I absolutely love all of my costumes. But I really do love my punk Storm, it’s the first cosplay I was able to feel comfortable wearing after losing over 40 lbs…. even though it’s all leather and gets very hot.
Food: I love, love, love Italian cuisine. Especially fettuccine alfredo and penne with Tuscan chicken.Oh! And also chocolate! One can never go wrong with chocolate!
Movie: My all time favorite movie is Grave of The Fireflies (animated version). I am not the crying type but this movie makes me teary-eyed every time!
TV Show: Supernatural, New Girl, Adventure time, Breaking Pointe, Psycho Pass, High school Of the Dead, Is this a Zombie of the Dead, Samurai Pizza Cats… this list will continue if I don’t stop now.
Color: I love purple and turquoise. But this sometimes depends on my mood. I also love fall colors!
Style of Panties: I enjoy my boy shorts, they are so comfy!

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Purchases Sets of Jazs Lavonne

Weather Witch

Weather Witch

Apple Eden

Apple Eden

Hunter of Souls

Hunter of Souls