
Birthday: December 28th


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Astrological Sign: Capricorn


Imoristar’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Deity?

Im a huge gamer, especially a fan of indie (and)horror games. I also love anime and watch way too much of it. lets not even talk about my Dr who obession ok.
My nerdy little secrets.
I speak Japanese and translate vocaloid songs for fun, I think everyone should own a sexy japanese body pillow, cat girls in maid outfits are amazing, i also played hatoful boyfriend and didnt hate it.

Follow MyGeekGlory on Social Media


Convention: Anime Expo

Real Geek: Kassandra Leigh. Sleek, sassy, sexy and fearless. master of all things nerdy and made of leather. Shes here to strip down and chew bubble gum….and shes all out of bubble gum. shes one of the reasons I wanted to join this site. Check out some of her sets if you havent already.
Fictional Geek Girl: Terra (final Fantasy 6)

Character to Cosplay: Hatsune Miku

Food: kitsune udon
Movie: battle royal, V for vendetta, (OG) nightmare on elm street
TV Show: Dr. Who (never skip 9) , Star trek (OG is the best in my opinion), Sherlock(thank you for existing benedict cumberbatch) and Tokyo ghoul (教えてよ その仕組みを—-)
Favorite Video Games: FF6, SIlent Hill 2, To the Moon, Metal Gear Solid 3, Fatal Frame 2
Color: Pink and white

Style of Panties: Lacy Thong

Purchases Sets of Imoristar

God's Hand

God's Hand

