Alora Jaymes

Birthday: September 28th


Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual


Astrological Sign: Libra


Pronouns: She/Her


Alora Jayme’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I am very confident about my identity, and I’m very open about my sexuality but I have a lot of knowledge in geeky areas (comic book in particular). In the past I’ve been a geek journalist and love to chat about characters and stories that are near and dear to my heart, and always up for a good debate.
Fondest Geek Memory
My first ever cosplay was when I was 12. I was SailorMoon for Halloween with my sisters and a friends as the rest of the inner sailor scouts.  We wore custom costumes that my mom made!

Convention: Mayim Bialik

Real Geek Girl: Wonder Woman
Fictional Geek Girl: She-Hulk, an odd choice I know. But she is actually highly intelligent, and worked her butt off through law school and never really had any sort of sexual or social life until she Hulked out. While she’s a strong superhero now, you can’t deny her smarts.

Character to Cosplay: Velma

Food: Pizza!

Movie: The Secretary

TV Show: Sailor Moon

Color: Green

Style of Panties: Thong, but I love to sleep in bikini and boyshorts

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Purchases Sets of Alora Jaymes

Deadly Tease

Deadly Tease

Psychic Knife

Psychic Knife



Vault 69

Vault 69

Sleuth Snacks

Sleuth Snacks

Bored Housewife

Bored Housewife

Do I Make You Logical

Do I Make You Logical

Man Eater

Man Eater