Starring Stephanie Marie

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Photoset of 93 images featuring Stephanie Marie.  Set progresses from fully clothed to fully nude.

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Member Comments

24 Responses

  1. That face!
    I know it’s part of the package, but still.
    Nice to see a different take on Velma (even though I still enjoy the classic too).
    Hotness abound!

  2. Aww shucks ladies! Yall are
    Aww shucks ladies! Yall are just the sweetest! (little tired little tipsy felt that southern me should come out)

  3. Thanks so much guys! I tried
    Thanks so much guys! I tried my best to bring her nerdy side out to shine! Hopefully I did her justice

  4. interesting
    Interesting take on Velma. I have liked Velma since the original Scooby Doo classics way back in the dark ages (I refuse to tell you how old I really am) because she was a lot like me (Brainy). You made a very beautiful and sexy set. I look forward to seeing more out of you in the future (the real future not the apocalyptic one of your set). Great job. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you in chat or the Forums.

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