Cherry Bonbon

Birthday: July 17th


Sexual Orientation: Asexual heteromantic


Astrological Sign: Cancer


Pronouns: She/Her


Cherry Bonbon’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’ve always loved the feminine and confident side of pinup. Mixing my love of cosplay and performing just makes it all feel so right. I love my body and I’m excited to have a place to share my art that feels positive and makes me feel so welcome and loved.

Fondest Geek Memory
My first time guesting at a convention. Not only did the staff make me feel so welcome but when people recognized me I was so flattered!

Convention: Holiday Matsuri

Real Geek: Matt Mercer

Character to Cosplay: Dio Brando from Jojo

Food: A nice cozy pho!

Movie: Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Color: Silver
Style of Panties: High waisted/high cut thongs. Always so flattering!

Dream Cosplay

I always love being weird and wild, or thinking outside of the box! I want so badly to be Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo. One day!

Follow MyGeekGlory on Social Media

Purchases Sets of Cherry Bonbon

Bug Out

Bug Out

Your Quest is Over

Your Quest is Over

It Was Me!

It Was Me!

Fourteenth of the Hill

Fourteenth of the Hill



Spoil Cherry Bonbon’s with a gift from her wishlist