Lottie Flick

Birthday: August 11th


Sexual Orientation: Demisexual


Astrological Sign: Leo


Pronouns: They/Them


Lottie Flick’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Deity?

I am a geek deity as I believe in body empowerment and the true power of unapologetic self love.
My nerdy little secrets.
I unironically LOVE B-rated movies, I read textbooks for fun, and I can quote every line from Rocky Horror Picture Show to you.

Convention: Holiday Matsuri

Real Geek: Neil Degrasse Tyson
Fictional Geek: Honey Lemon
Character to Cosplay: Babadook

Food: Quesadillas

Movie: It’s a tie between Dracula (1931) and Rocky Horror Picture Show
TV Show: Good Omens

Color: Yellow

Style of Panties: Cheeky

Fondest Geek Memory

Performing in a Harry Potter burlesque show to raise money for trans youth.

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Purchases Sets of Lottie Flick

Relentless Familiar

Relentless Familiar

One Job

One Job

Let Me Out

Let Me Out