Starring KathTea

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Photoset of 123 images featuring KathTea.  Set progresses from fully clothed to fully nude.

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Member Comments

7 Responses

  1. Proverbial Beauty, indeed.
    Well done, KathTea on another gorgeous set. This time as Mei Ling from Metal Gear Solid. <3
    I loved MGS, it's only the second PC game that I've ever completed. 😉

  2. “A bit of fragrance clings to the hand that gives flowers.”
    This is a superbly classy and erotic set KathTea, very indicative of Kojima’s style. I always found Mei-Ling to be the cute and intellectual girl next door, but Guns of the Patriots showed off more of a sexual and commanding aura about her that you pull off in each breath taking shot here. The set really shows off your gorgeous legs and sunny smile. The naval office and all its props really authenticate the set giving you great access to explore your surroundings; I love what you did with the old style phone, and your teasing with the office chair and desk. My favorite pics are 11, 14, 17, 24, 28, 29, 34, 36, 39, 41, 49, 60, 63, 72, and 78.

  3. !
    “Uhhh Mei maybe after the mission…we should talk.” – Snake.

    I really like this set so far. I’m just getting into it, but I’m a huge Metal Gear fan. When I saw the set, I heard the Alert sound effect go off in my head. I’ll post up some favorite photos in a moment; I’m nerding out because the MGS saga got some love.

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