Stephanie Marie

Birthday: June 4th


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Astrological Sign: Gemini


What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I have always been a tomboy and like boy things, I grew up on Star Wars and comics and I can’t get enough!
My nerdy little secrets.
I found a pin on Pinterest that shows me where to send fanmail to Tom Hiddleston and I plan to send him a Lady Loki pic, because well he is fantastic!
Convention: I would have to say my favorite convention so far has been Chicago Comic Con. I went in 2012 and it was my first convention, I went as Carmen San Diego and I wasn’t in the door more than 5 minutes and I had 3 people stop me for photos and 1 for an interview. It was crazy I had no clue what to expect (especially the very sore feet.) I had so much fun at it that so far not even SDCC has topped that!
Real Geek Girl: Felicia Day
Fictional Geek Girl: So many! I don’t think I could pick only one but if I absolutely had to Willow from Buffy
Character to Cosplay: Lady Loki hands down
Food: Fruits and Veggies (almost all kinds)
Movie: There is ZERO way that I can name just 1 favorite
TV Show: Lots: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Community, Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, Law and Order (any of them) and Criminal Minds are probably tops

Color: Purple

Style of Panties: Boy shorts, they make my booty more bootylicious-or so I think

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Purchases Sets of Stephanie Marie

Smarty Pants

Smarty Pants

Timey Wimey

Timey Wimey

Lemon Cakes

Lemon Cakes



Playing Doctor

Playing Doctor

Now You See Me

Now You See Me

Still Alive

Still Alive

Great Hera

Great Hera