I’m a goddess who happens to be a geek. I’m actually a trans-dimensional princess who is in this world to train to reach full Goddess status. I’m also on a mission to relay an encrypted message to other higher evolved beings that are incognito to this realm. These beings are now dormant, and are awaiting the Great Awakening.When my mission is over, my training will be completed and I will return to my home world. It would seem that the humans have given the title of “geek” to any who have an imagination!
People call me a geek, maybe because I’m a superior, higher evolved being and they’re intimidated. I am an aspiring writer and am addicted to writing fan fiction. I know far too many details about what you humans call the “fantasy” genre. Did you know that most faeries are severely allergic to iron? And to make a mermaid your slave, you must cut off and keep a lock of her hair, but if she gets free she might drink your soul from you very breath for revenge.