Lydia Vengeance

Birthday: March 14th


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Astrological Sign: Pisces


What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’ve always been a geek but the goddess part came later. Growing up I was more into science and math than a social life so I spent my free time reading books, playing video games, etc. But I was also very drawn to the arts so eventually I found myself diving into manga, anime, and comics with a passion. As I got older, I started doing modeling work and immediately got into cosplay and fantasy design. Now, my life is a beautiful fusion of the geek world with the fashion world and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My nerdy little secrets.
Sometimes I feel like a geek grandma because my favorite fandoms are so dated but they’re still my favorites! I love classic anime like Sailor Moon and Escaflowne, old PC games like Quake and Unreal, cheesy fantasy shows like Xena and Hercules, and especially retro sci-fi like the original Star Trek series. I’m also a huge Harry Potter nerd. When I was in middle school (and even through high school), I would camp out inside the Barnes and Noble in full Slytherin cosplay for the book releases. It was totally worth it.

Convention: NYCC

Real Geek Girl: my twincest, Lilith Astaroth
Fictional Geek Girl: Seven of Nine from ST: Voyager
Character to Cosplay: Daenerys Targaryen. I love her character in the books and I have a strong connection to the way she draws power from pain and drives right through obstacles when she has a goal in mind. I’m always into strong female characters but she’s one of my favorites for sure.
Food: SUSHI *_*

Movie: Kill Bill

TV Show: Star Trek; TNG
Color: if black doesn’t count as a color than red
Style of Panties: super cheeky booty shorts! 😉

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Purchases Sets of Lydia Vengeance

Earth X

Earth X

Mind Fuck

Mind Fuck



Heat Vampire

Heat Vampire

Jail Break

Jail Break