Logan Laveau

Birthday: September 18th


Sexual Orientation: Mostly Straight


Astrological Sign: Virgo


Logan Laveau’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

Sometimes thinking about the infinity of space keeps me up at night…
My nerdy little secrets.
I have a framed picture of Emilia Clarke dressed as a mermaid on my bedroom wall

Convention: Katsucon

Real Geek Girl: Lucy Lawless

Fictional Geek Girl: Buffy Summers

Character to Cosplay: Hannah from Rat Queens

Food: Pineapple Fried Rice

Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show

TV Show: Game of Thrones

Color: Lavender

Style of Panties: Thong

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Purchases Sets of Logan Laveau





Pip Girl

Pip Girl

A League All Her Own

A League All Her Own